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Leave nothing to chance in your B2B sales. Connect with Tradekrafter and deploy our expert strategies and detailed response handling to convert leads into loyal customers.

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Looking for quick answers? Our FAQ section is designed to provide immediate solutions to your most pressing questions.


What services do you offer?

At Tradekrafter, we specialize in crafting personalized outbound sales strategies, curating multi-touch sequences, managing responses, and booking appointments directly to your calendar. Connect with Tradekrafter to experience a service that’s meticulously designed to meet your unique needs and objectives.

How does your process work?

At Tradekrafter, our process is streamlined into four pivotal steps: we start with a consultation to truly understand your needs. This enables us to craft a personalized sales strategy tailored just for you. Subsequently, we implement multi-touch sequences, ensuring every potential lead is tapped. Finally, we handle responses meticulously to book appointments directly on your calendar. Connect with Tradekrafter and let’s embark on a journey to refine your B2B sales process together.

What is a multi-touch sequence?

A multi-touch sequence is a series of orchestrated interactions—emails, calls, and social engagements—designed to engage prospects over a period of time.

How do you handle responses?

Our team of experts at Tradekrafter manages all incoming responses from the multi-touch sequences. We filter and categorize these to take the most appropriate actions, which could include setting up appointments. Connect with Tradekrafter and discover how we can optimize your approach to handling responses and streamline your appointment-setting process.

What are your pricing options?

We offer various pricing plans to suit different business needs. To get a detailed breakdown, please contact us directly.

How do appointments get scheduled?

We book appointments directly into your calendar based on pre-agreed criteria, ensuring it fits seamlessly into your schedule.

Can I reschedule an appointment?

Absolutely. If you need to reschedule an appointment, just let us know at least 24 hours in advance.

Is my data safe with you?

Absolutely, we prioritize the safety and confidentiality of all client data. Our systems are encrypted and compliant with industry-leading security standards.

Who has access to my information?

Only authorized personnel have access to your data, and we strictly follow a need-to-know policy within our organization.